link builder

7 SEO Boosting Link Builder Hacks You Need Right Now

No one has the time nor the patience to spend each day begging for guest posting opportunities as a link builder – only to come up short. 

In fact, guest posting is only one of the many ways to gather SEO boosting backlinks and it isn’t the most productive. 

Truth be told, simply gathering links from quickly created content for your website doesn’t necessarily work in your favor any longer. Instead, you will need the right hacks to bring you the gold – hacks that keep you on Google’s nice list

Here are seven SEO boosting link builder hacks that you need right this minute. 

Link Builder Hack #1. Create Only High-Quality Content

First of all, computers are not sipping their morning coffee while reading your content. Humans are. The content on your website should be high-quality and bring value to your audience. 

Creating high-quality content generates organic links when others share your content and link back to it directly. A helpful article or blog post will take you farther than a quickly spun post will. 

Don’t underestimate the power of data-filled and thought-provoking resources. Although it takes time to create, you will reap the benefits. 

#2. Blogger Wants to Review Your Product? Great!

Oftentimes, bloggers in your niche may want to review your product or service for their blog. A review is a great way to generate backlinks that are worth their weight in gold, from audience members who are looking for your niche specifically. 

It is also a good practice to offer your product or service to a blogger for advice and their thoughts. They just might place the review on their blog, which will link back to you. 

These links generate specific traffic to those looking for you – instead of random clicks to your page. 

#3. Fix Their Broken Links for Them

Have you ever happened upon a resource and clicked a link for more information, only to find it broken? 

Broken links are great opportunities to score an organic link from the owner of the content. You can search for relevant and high authority content and check the content for broken links. 

If you find one, you can contact the owner of the content and point out the broken link. Then, you can suggest your awesome resource to be put in its place. 

Chances are, the owner will be more than glad to fix the broken link. 

#4. Use Alerts to Immediately Reach Out to Brand Mentions

Whether you use Twitter, Facebook, Google or all of the above, you have the ability to set up alerts for each time someone mentions your brand. 

The best part about this? It gives you the ability to reach out to those who mention your brand to grab those links. 

The person or brand that mentioned your brand is probably more than willing to link back to their source and you will gain a backlink in the process. 

Another good thing about these alerts is the opportunity to network and engage with those who are talking about your business. Not only does it create another platform for you, it gives your brand the “real factor” that you need. 

#5 Give Back By Giving A Review

If you have done business with a brand or company that is within your niche that you enjoyed, you can gain a link by giving back to them with a review. 

Most companies will be overjoyed to receive a good review from someone else in their niche. And they will place a link to your business within the testimonial. 

The best part? These testimonials are often displayed where everyone can see them. After all, what company doesn’t want to immediately share the good words written about them? 

#6 Use Your Knowledge That You’ve Gained and Write a Case Study

Case studies are incredibly useful, especially to other brands and businesses looking for relevant content to share. 

A case study or whitepaper or resource gives you credibility while being a credible source for others. Bloggers who are wanting to stay credible are always looking for sources to back up their claims. That source could be yours. 

Have you found that a certain type of content marketing strategy has increased your sales by a certain percent? Share your knowledge with the masses and receive links from others who wish to gain credibility. 

#7 Give The Heads Up About Your Authoritative Resource or Blog Post

So, how will someone know about your blog post if they don’t know it exists? Although a search engine can help, giving them a heads up can be relatively quick. 

Is there a business or another blogger that would benefit from your new idea or case study? Shoot them a quick email about it for an almost instant link builder. Once they read the content and see what an amazing resource it is, the links will follow. 

You can do a quick search using your content’s topic and see other blogs that have written content like it. Use their email address, or even their Twitter to reach out to them about your content. 

Hey, we all want someone to stumble above our content from the first page of Google. However, sometimes we have to get our hands dirty. 


Being a link builder can be a tough job. However, these hacks can bring you closer to link building glory. 

Writing high-quality content, allowing reviews, fixing broken links and setting up alerts are all great ways for you to meet new audience members and brand followers. 

Giving a review and sending out a quick email about your new content gives you the chance to engage with your audience first – kind of like saying, “I love you” first.

All in all, it is best to write content that is geared towards human beings and create a content strategy that is also geared this way. After all, Google bots only go so far.

With these hacks, you are sure to start generating the best, organic SEO building links for your brand – while creating awesome, usable content for others. Win-win. 

Need help with your linking strategy? Give us a call today!